


I have shared my ceramic knowhow for several years, at the Ecole Supérieure des Beaux Arts de Montpellier (Esba - MOCO), at the Association Valentin Haüy, for the visually impaired, as well as at my ceramics studio, from initiations in wheel throwing to glaze making.

Please do not hesitate to contact me to for information about made-to-mesure lessons, your ceramic projects or our ritual firings.

Learn to use the potter's wheel in 7 easy steps, including posture and breathing techniques.

Décorate and participate in a raku ritual - spectacular rapid gas firing or create your own ceramic sculpture/object for a raku firing.

Live the adventure of the Grand Picnic de la Terre Brûlée our annual pit-firing event. You can participate by making a piece and attend the slow wood fired pit-firing.

Discover the secrets of glazes including ash glazes, with made-to-measure lessons at the studio.

Write to me or sign up to our newsletter to receive information about future events.

Raku firing with personalisation of a ceramic object (4H) …. 80€

2 day workshop + 1 raku firing or pit-firing ……………………...…. 250€

Intensive one on one wheel-throwing tuition (7H).………….… 300€

See more about our firing rituals : Pit-firing & Raku | Glazes